New 4th and 5th Dimensional world, higher pathway, higher timelines, higher vision higherself workshop
Love and light to all my beautiful brothers and sisters starseeds at this very special time. I hope you are all well and are enjoying these powerful and transformational shifts. As we move beyond the great shift of the 8th of April Eclipse which was a very special shift that shifted those who are ready into the new paradigm of new 4th and 5th dimensional world, which has split off from the lower 3d world. What this means for each of us is that for the first time we can shift completely onto our higher divine timelines in the 4th dimension and also really see and experience our higher divine pathways and experience oneness. And for those who are ready to truly embody their higher divine light. On this very exciting 2 day online workshop you will work with your higherself, monad, source to reveal much about yourself, higher divine pathway and your higher timelines.
Why is this workshop so important right now?
We are all at a very powerful and interesting point in the current stage of the spiritual evolution of those incarnated on this planet. At this point to truly connect with your higher divine pathway and timelines and higherselves would not only change your experience of this earthly journey, but also how you understand it and your place in it.
The key that unlocks everything for all incarnated starseeds is the connection to their higherselves because all flows through this connection. This connection holds all the keys not just in the alignment or connection, but through what you learn as you go on this amazing journey to heal and transform to be at whole and at one again.
This weekend will combine many wonderful experiences and these include-
-crystal singing bowls sound bath.
-connect to your higher divine vision.
-experience working with Angels, Ascended masters, Gods and Goddesses of Egypt, Arcturians, Pleiadeans, Sirians and your higherself and monad and Mother-Father creator energy.
-deepening your connection and experience of your higherself and monad and learn who they are. from learning this you learn so much about yourself.
-align with and step onto your higher divine pathway, see what is ready for you now.
-experience and reveal what is on your higher divine pathway.
-heal whatever is in the way of you truly letting go and surrendering and shifting onto your higher timeliness and higher divine pathway.
-heal any past or present life issues.
-develop your higher divine gifts.
-Truly understand your higher divine nature and what this means for you and your pathway right now on this planet.
-understand why you are here.
-understand some of your starseed lineage, where you are from.
-learn about timelines, what they are and how all separate realities are all happening simultaneously.
-and much much more.
This will be a very exciting workshop for all who attend. It will be online so you can join us from the comfort of your own home.
This workshop is £110 for the weekend.
This workshop costs £110 and will be run over 2 days on Zoom on the 18th and 19th May from 10-6pm UK time.