Sacred Retreat Egypt October 28th -5th november
Join us for a very special Sacred retreat in Egypt. Were each of you will go on a very journey to connect with the various Egyptian Gods’ Horus, Thoth, Isis, Hathor, Seti and many more. Also Metatron who connects into the Luxor temple and other Angels and ascended masters.
This is no ordinary trip to Egypt. It is one that is very specially aligned with the awakening of the Golden Age templates, energies, keys and codes that connect to the Golden Age divine crystalline grid that connects across the world through lay lines and various sacred sites. The Egyptian pyramids, temples, sites were built on top on the crystalline temples that connected back to the Golden Age and crystalline grid that was Atlantis. We will be working with and connecting with the Atlantean higher council and the Lemurian council of light who are working with this crystalline grid and the various sacred sites and the Golden Dawn.
This will be a life changing journey for all who join with breathtaking views and beautiful experiences. The healing and aligning experience will be one that will cause the most incredible awakening, shifts, awakening within. You will come back feeling life a different person with your chakras being activated, upgraded, new templates, keys, codes and energies to a higher frequency, to really connect you with the new world that has now fully anchored here on Earth to facilitate this Golden Dawn. Also strengthening your connection to your higherself, monad, God and higher pathway.
What is the Golden Dawn?
It is the awakening of the Golden Divine I Am Presence, your original divine spark as created at your divine birth. It is the ability to truly connect with and merge with this pure love consciousness and shift into a space of oneness and higher divine knowing and learning. It is the shifting of humanity into a frequency of love, the highest form of love which is Gold. This comes from the Golden Cosmic heart of God. Each all of us are pure love and were creating from the Golden heart of God. Please take a minute to contemplate the beauty of these words. It brings a new level of awareness to the saying, ‘there is only love.’ To truly know yourself is to come back to not only this realisation, but into this very special state of being. On this journey with the help of some wonderful sound baths, meditations, sacred sites and these incredible beings you will truly experience this Golden Sacred Love within, the pure love of God and how much love God has for each of us. You will open up to your Golden heart frequency of oneness through love.
In this new reality that shifted fully on the 21st June to a complete split between the old 3d world and the 4th and 5th dimensional world, that is truly anchored now. In the new world everything is about love, it is all about oneness and the infinite flow of abundance through love. To really unlock this potential everything is about love and flows through love.
This is a 9 day trip 28th of October 1pm GMT to 5th November 3pm GMT. Flying into Cairo and out of Hurgada.
Day 1, Arrive Cairo go for dinner.
Day 2, sound bath in morning and meditation, pyramids of Giza
Day 3 sound bath in morning and meditation, Egyptian Meusem and Pyramids, travel 44mins to saqqara.
Day 4-sound bath in morning and meditation, saqqara necropolis 10mins to seraphim of saqqara. Overnight train to luxor.
Day 5- sound bath in morning and meditation, Luxor karnak temple, travel 1 hour to temple of hathor, travel 1hour hotel so near seti temple.
Day 6, sound bath in morning and meditation, temple of seti, temple of Queen Hatshepsut, the luxor temple, valley of the Queens travel 7mins to valley of the kings. Travel 2.30hours to hotel near temple of edfo.
Day 7, sound bath in morning and meditation and then temple of edfo, travel 1hour to temple of kom ombo. Travel 1 hour to filae hotel.
Day 8, sound bath in morning and meditation, then temple of isis, travel 3 hours to hotel.
Day 9, fly back uk from Hurgada.
The retreat costs £1000 and this covers sacred healing group sessions, meditations, Hotel, breakfast and lunch and ticket prices to sacred sites.
You can pay in 2 ways full £1000 or 2 instalments £600 and then £400.
Full payment £1000 link
1st instalment £600
2nd instalment £400 (no later than 6 weeks before the retreat.
Contact details