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Sacred Journey to Divine Grace Sound Bath

Dear beautiful brother and sisters As we move even further into the new paradigm of the Golden Age of Aquarius we shift into a deeper sacred space of divine grace. We are all living in very exciting time where we are now able into the divine creator energy. And through this process awakening and reconnecting to our own true divine nature and return to divine grace. A very important part of this journey, which cannot be avoided moving forward is to heal our relationship with the divine. This means healing present and past life issues and experiences, which limit your connection to the divine.

What is divine grace? It is the free will that is given to us by God to experience our life. It is freedom in action to experience oneself as a divine creator in the likeness of God. In Grace you are given the power to create your life in the likeness of God. When you truly align with Gods Grace you experience love, joy and bliss in all areas of your life. The energy of grace is one of love, joy and compassion and of being of service to others. This is in the likeness of God and how her energy works. We only experience true grace when we reconnect with our inner divinity and realise our true divine potential.

The purpose of grace is to guide us back to our own divine nature. To be a vessel to and channel of the Grace of God this is joy, love, peace, compassion, power, truth, oneness. In other words we all are all of these traits of God, but we just need to rediscover and in some cases really develop these. When we live graciously we live from a place of kindness, love and compassion.

In this session I will take each person on a journey to connect with and bathe in this beautiful energy. For each of you the journey will differ, but ultimately it will strengthen your connection with Mother-Father God and deepen your understanding of your true divine nature. That is one of pure joyous love. It is our natural state and at this time it is so important to redevelop this sacred divine connection.

The sound bath is an online evening on the 06/06/21, this is a very auspicious day. The Sound bath costs £10.

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