Crystalline sound harmonics of the Ascension Planets
and Metatron Cube CD course set
Below is a number of pages of info. This course is very powerful and is going to take you through some wonderful and powerful shifts. It is important to me that you are given the tools to feel empowered on this journey and also able to cope with the healing you may experience. There are a number of practices and meditations below, it is important that this is not just a CD course, but also a very power transformational tool helping you along the road to self-mastery. So therefore you will have to apply yourself and take time to learn and work with the techniques below. I promise you learning what I discussed below will not only help you with this course, but also the various shifts you are going to experience on the planet. Enjoy the wonderful journey of self-discovery and transformation you will go on.
I have for some time been fortunate to work with the Star and Galactic Masters of light, Angels and Ascended Masters who work with the Metatron Cube. They have come forward to ask me to create a sound harmonic CD set, which enables you to connect to and work with the Ascension planets, star and galactic masters, Ascended Masters, Angels and the Sacred divine blueprint of the Metatron Cube.
The ascension planets are a number of planets/constellations in our solar system that hold the sacred divine blueprint energy known as the Metatron Cube. These ascension planets are Venus, Neptune, Sirius, The Pleiades, Orion, Earth and Jupitor.
Each of these planets makes possible the ascension process and is part of the structure of the Metatron Cube. The Metatron Cube is a sacred geometric shape when used connects us the perfect divine ascension energy of the Mother-Father God. And connects each one of us to our own divine sacred divine blueprint.
The pure energy that the crystal bowls produce is quite remarkable. When you combine certain bowls together it creates an opening within yourself to connect to these planetary energies and the beings that inhabit them. The effect of these CDs will be noticed after the first try, but the more you use them the more you will notice the transformations that happen. I am in awe of the energy that they produce and how they transform the people that use them.
What is the 5th dimensional blueprint and why this is important now?
5th dimensional blueprint
The 5th dimensional blueprint is your divine map to understanding your higher divine pathway here on Earth. Your 5th dimensional blueprint is stored in Hollow Earth, which is the divine blueprint of our future consciousness of the planet, which will be similar to the golden age of Atlantis and Lemuria. In this age we were 7th dimensional in nature and worked from a place of oneness through love. There was no separation of sex as we know now man and women. We were the perfect divine balance and form of the divine masculine and feminine energy. Each person on their journey of ascension is looking to once again whether man or women balance out their divine masculine and feminine energy. Both men and women are divine masculine and feminine. And we will only reach the level of oneness and completeness once we are able to master this within ourselves.
The crystalline grid
The various CDs with restructure your energy to that of the pure energy of the crystalline grid. The crystalline grid is the energy structure created at the time of Atlantis by the God, the Angels, Ascended Masters, Arcturians higher council, Atlantean higher council and the galactic federation of light and the masters of light from the Ascension planets. This was created using the divine rays and also physical and etheric crystals to create pure crystalline grid of light. This allowed to create a beautiful utopia here on Earth. This is something we are working towards now on this planet. This is why we are going through the ascension process we are going through now.
There are 7 CDs in this set corresponding the 7 main ascension planets. Each of these CDs are created using crystal singing bowls and are infused with the energy of
the ascension planets, masters of light who work with them and the Metatron Cube. Each CD acts as a portal/gateway to connect to the pure light of the ascension planets, the Metatron cube and masters and guardians of them. Each of the 7 CDs are to be used for 7 days at a time. After you complete the 5 weeks I would give yourself a 2 week break to assimilate all of the new codes and energy.
This CD set will take each person on a very special journey connecting with the pure light essence of each of these very special planets and on this journey awaken you to your starseed essence and divine origin. On this journey you will go through an awakening of your divine abilities receive downloads from the masters of light from these planets, and constellations and beyond. By the end of one course of using these CDs you will find yourself to have done through a wonderful shift and understanding in yourself.
Each planet brings it own unique gift to help with our ascension:
-CD 1
-Hollow Earth-Hollow Earth the divine blueprint of the Golden age like that of Atlantis when we reached a very high level of spiritual evolution. Within Hollow Earth is your own divine blueprint for your higher divine pathway here on Earth. Also, gives to us the opportunity to ascend through living life as a physical being
CD 2
Jupitor-to become the expanded consciousness of the I Am presence.
-CD 3
Venus-helps you to connect the pure unconditional love of the 9 th dimensional cosmic heart.
-CD 4
Neptune-enables you to connect to your past lives in Atlantis and Lemuria.
CD 5
-Sirius-brings to us spiritual gifts and technology.
CD 6
-The Pleiades-brings to us knowledge and wisdom, healing and divine balance.
CD 7
-Orion-offers divine wisdom, understanding and stillness of mind.
The CDs never become out of date quite simply because each CD created by the combination of crystal singing bowls is portal/gateway to connecting with and accessing the wisdom, knowledge and gifts from these wonderful beings planets and constellations.
Why this particular energy shift is important is that the 7 th dimension brings us back to one with Source and to access what is known as the void. The void is a place where we move beyond our limitations to a place of complete freedom and expansiveness where we have a very clear connection with our higherselves and guides. In this state we also move away from form & structure to formlessness.
This CD set will connect you with your 5th dimensional blueprint and also enable overtime to connect and work with the 7th dimension.
The void also allows access to the great halls where you are able to meet with masters of light and access knowledge, wisdom and gifts going, which go back to the beginning of this and other Universes. So accessing the 7th dimension offers easy access to the deeper knowledge and understanding from the higher spiritual realms.
The CDs never become out of date quite simply because each CD created by the combination of crystal singing bowls are portal/gateway to connecting with and accessing the wisdom, knowledge and gifts from the crystal pyramids and the divine matrix of pure divine consciousness of source. The CDs will take you on a journey to know your true divine self, your divine origins and connect to your higher divine pathway.
You also recieve a manual full of information and practices to use on your journey of ascension with the CDs.
The CD download set costs £70 (concessions made). The actual CD set costs £70 plus P&P.
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