Manifesting in the 5th dimension
Dear brother and sister light workers I am being guided to hold my new workshop on manifesting in the 4th & 5th dimension. This is a online interactive workshop for all those who have made a shift and are now working and connecting with the 4th & 5th dimension, but are having trouble manifesting. Manifesting and creating in the 5th and even 4th dimension is very different to that of the 3rd dimensional manifestation techniques. I know many advanced very skilled teachers who just can’t seem to manifest even though they have ascended to the 5th dimension. I was one of those teachers myself.
I channelled this information over the last year or so and so have had plenty of time to work with this and see what works and what doesn’t. My guides are keen now for me to share this knowledge and the techniques. Our higherselves and guides want us to have a wonderful joy filled and abundant life, if you are not achieving this then this workshop is perfect for you.
What to expect on this course:
-go through a healing that will breakdown old patterns, blockages and vows of any kind that are currently holding you back.
-be given powerful affirmations and statements to help with this process.
-learn how to manifest in the 5th dimension.
-be given techniques to use to help with the process of manifestation.
-feel confident and have a greater understanding of how to manifest in the higher dimensions.
Date 25th of June 10-4pm
Cost £50 (concessions made). Only 8 online places so I have plenty of time to interact with each person during the day workshop.
Love and Light
Scott Grant
Dear brother and sister light workers I am being guided to hold my new workshop on manifesting in the 4th & 5th dimension. This is a online interactive workshop for all those who have made a shift and are now working and connecting with the 4th & 5th dimension, but are having trouble manifesting. Manifesting and creating in the 5th and even 4th dimension is very different to that of the 3rd dimensional manifestation techniques. I know many advanced very skilled teachers who just can’t seem to manifest even though they have ascended to the 5th dimension. I was one of those teachers myself.
I channelled this information over the last year or so and so have had plenty of time to work with this and see what works and what doesn’t. My guides are keen now for me to share this knowledge and the techniques. Our higherselves and guides want us to have a wonderful joy filled and abundant life, if you are not achieving this then this workshop is perfect for you.
What to expect on this course:
-go through a healing that will breakdown old patterns, blockages and vows of any kind that are currently holding you back.
-be given powerful affirmations and statements to help with this process.
-learn how to manifest in the 5th dimension.
-be given techniques to use to help with the process of manifestation.
-feel confident and have a greater understanding of how to manifest in the higher dimensions.
Date 25th of June 10-4pm
Cost £50 (concessions made). Only 8 online places so I have plenty of time to interact with each person during the day workshop.
Love and Light
Scott Grant