CDs Special
I am offering a 4 CDs special at this time for £20.
The CDs are Peace and Serenity, Ascension planets-Metatron Cube, 12 chakras & Heart & Soul connection. See below a detailed description of each one.
Peace and Serenity CD
This is a wonderful CD that I composed myself. while making this CD I asked the Angel's to infuse their energy into the music. To make the music both beautiful, spiritual, angelic, peaceful and loving. The music is relaxing taking you away from your everyday trials and tribulations. Bringing into you divine love, divine source light, divine peace, soul love, divine tranquillity and beautiful angelic energy.
There are 4 tracks on the CD:
Divine Peace.
Angelic Voices.
Soul Love.
Divine Source.
Crystal harmonics to connect you to the ascension planets
This is a wonderful CD that helps you to connect to the ascension planets Venus, Neptune, Sirius, The Pleiades, Orion and Earth. Each planet brings it own unique gift to help with our ascension:
Venus-helps you to connect the pure unconditional love of the cosmic heart.
Neptune-enables you to connect to your past lives in Atlantis and Lemuria.
Sirius-brings to us spiritual gifts and technology.
The Pleiades-brings to us knowledge and wisdom, healing and divine balance.
Orion-offers divine wisdom and understanding.
Earth-gives to us the opportunity to ascend through living life as a physical being. Also to connect to our divine essence through our connection to Hollow Earth.
12 Chakras CD
This CD works to bring into balance and harmony all of the 12 chakras. It does this by raising the frequency of the energy within the chakras. Bringing to the surface what needs to be healed by the angels working with these bowls. I asked before recording each of the bowls that the Archangel responsible for working with the chakra added their beautiful energy to the recording. This has produced a wonderful result and a truly amazing CD. Here is a list of what of what you can expect from these CDs:
-Balance the chakras.
-Helps to strengthen the 12 DNA strands that attach to each of the chakras.
-Create an opening in yourself that allows for the angels to come in and heal you on whatever level it is needed.
-Heal you on all levels physical, mental, emotional & spiritual.
-Connect you to each of the Archangels working with the chakras.
-Open you up and raise your vibration.
-Highlighting yourself what needs to be worked on at this time.
-Help to create a balance within yourself,-unblock your chakras.
-Help you to integrate the energies coming in to work with you at this time.
-Create a feeling of harmony and balance.
-Raise your vibration so you feel lighter and happier in yourself.
-Connect you to your higherself.
-Bring you into balance with the cosmic harmony of the Universe.
-Create a feeling of oneness.
Heart and Soul connection CD
Heal and open your heart with this wonderful CD and connect to your soul. For us to connect to our soul our heart needs to be healed first. This CD was created to heal the lower physical and higher spiritual aspect of the heart. Through doing this we create a divine bridge, which connects the lower physical chakras with the higher spiritual cones. At this time it is important to create this bridge. Through this connection we are able to fully connect to and heal our soul. When you listen to this CD Archangel’s Mother Mary and Chamuel come forward to work with you to heal and open your heart. Archangel Zadkiel also comes forward to help heal and connect you to your soul energy.
The CD is a combination of crystal singing bowls. Each one specially picked to creat the perfect sound harmonics to heal your heart and soul connection. I asked that the angels infused their wonderful energy into the CD so that everytime you listen to the CD you would be healed and transformed by their beautiful energy.
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